Award Certificate Template

Download the award certificate template.


All award certificate templates follow the same rough outline. They usually include the following details:

  • the name of the awarding body
  • a statement of what the certificate is doing – e.g. “This is to certify that”
  • the name of the recipient
  • the reason the award is being given – e.g. attainment of a certain goal
  • when the certificate is being awarded
  • who is presenting the award

There might be any number of occasions that merit the giving of an award certificate. For example, passing an exam, completing a course, providing a service for a certain length of time, and so on.

There are many places you can download free award certificate templates, too. Just do a search on Google for award certificate templates and you should find lots of websites.

In addition to free download sites (and paid ones) you can also take advantage of the templates that come with Microsoft Word. If you have a copy of Word, click File > New, and then click the Certificates category. There are sub categories in there, such as Academic award certificates, Business award certificates, Coupons, Gift certificates, etc. Choose a category, select an award certificate template within and then click download. The certificate will open in Word for you to amend.

What you can then do is, after you’ve made your changes, save the document as a template itself, for future use.

Download the award certificate template.

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